When I used to consult with patients I often got surprised looks or actual comments of, “You have Botox?” It used to make me feel great, because I’m hoping these commenters were thinking I was either too young for Botox, or I had such a natural looking result. Either way, it had a gal feeling pretty good. But sadly, over the last 3 years the fact that I’ve been perpetually pregnant or breast-feeding has meant that I’ve had to put my Botox journey on hold. But it’s also answered the question of what my skin would look like should someone choose to stop having Botox.
And that leads me to my next point.
During these consults I also often got asked what happens when people stop using Botox. I think some people may have visions of wrinkles becoming much worse or the skin drooping, I’m sure you can use your imagination. What we need to understand is the aging process continues throughout the years that we have Botox. However, since Botox has weakened these muscles, they have not had years to get stronger and ultimately deeper in appearance. You would expect your skin just to return to its original state and the wrinkles would slowly reappear. So in a nutshell, it would be no better or no worse than when you first had Botox.
I however, was still pretty upset by the fact that I would have to be Botox-free for so long. One of my favourite things that Botox does to improve the look of my skin is actually related to the texture and not the wrinkles themselves. While it is a bonus that the wrinkles around my eyes and forehead soften, I just love the way my skin looks so smooth, and pores are so much smaller. The threat of this texture returning is what plagued me the most. So what’s a girl to do?
I took my skincare regime to the next level in order to try and combat the wrinkles and textural concerns I could see coming back at an alarming rate. And for anyone that has gone through pregnancy, you know this can be a challenge in itself since there are so many ingredients that you CAN’T USE! Argh! But luckily working at the best Dermatology office, I was able to find all of the things I could use to help my skin look its very best. Here I am the day before I delivered my first daughter without a lick of makeup and I think my skin was looking pretty good.
The moral of the story is, if you’ve never had Botox don’t be concerned about what your skin will look like if you decide to stop. There are many options you can look at to improve your skin even if you’re not quite ready to ride the Botox train. But in my world, once this baby is born and weaned, I will be first one back in line to get my first-class ticket!