Regularly checking your body for suspicious moles might be one of the most important ways that you can protect yourself. The good news is that it’s super easy to do. While skin cancer is one of the most common cancers in the world, if it’s detected early, it’s almost always curable. To be proactive about skin cancer detection, it’s highly recommended that you check yourself monthly for any signs of possibly cancerous lesions. Don’t wait, start your self-screening now with a handy guide on abnormal moles and how to detect them.
A is for Asymmetry
Benign (non-cancerous) moles are usually symmetrical, with a typically round shape. If one half of the mole doesn’t match the other, the mole is asymmetric, and possibly cancerous (malignant.)
B is for Border
A normal mole should have a nice, even border, while an abnormal mole will typically have an irregular border that’s jagged and uneven.
C is for Color
A benign mole will usually have a consistent color, usually brown. Malignant moles typically have a variety of shades and colors, sometimes brown, tan, black, red, white, or even blue.
D is for Diameter
Benign moles are typically smaller than a malignant mole, with malignant moles having a diameter larger than 6mm, which is about the same size as an eraser on a pencil’s tip.
E is for Evolving
Benign moles don’t change much after they appear, but malignant moles can change over time. Anything from its shape, size, or color can change. Malignant moles can also become bumpy, start bleeding, itching, or forming a crust
I for ICLS
ICLS’s Dr. Sheetal Sapra is one of the country’s most renowned experts on skin cancer detection and treatment. Dr. Sapra’s expertise has been called on by some of the most important media publications in the country, and he’s been a longtime advocate for self-screening as an effective method of early detection of cancer. While Dr. Sapra performs hundreds of biopsies a year, he also offers the latest technology for skin cancer screening, like Fotofinder/Mole-Mapping. This technology offered by ICLS can scan and analyze the skin by taking total body photography. It is the best way to track potential changes in moles and lesions for early detection of possibly skin cancer.
Who knew that protecting yourself from skin cancer really is as simple as ABC? For patients who want to trust their screening and treatment to our knowledgeable, experienced surgeon, contact ICLS now, for a consultation.