I don’t know about you, but being in the thick of the winter months is playing havoc with my skin. That youthful glow that comes so easily during the warmer months seems to disappear and in its place comes a flat dullness that no amount of luminous foundation can correct.
I have an extensive skincare regimen; think overflowing bathroom drawers and the commandeering of various other cupboards and nooks throughout the house to ensure that I am never without my beloved skincare items. From daily SPF, occasional applications of retinol and just shy of bathing in growth factor serums to name a few, I am all about prevention… the aging process can pounce at any time and it’s important to be ready for it!
With all the lotions and potions I use on the daily, I just find that I lack my “glow” and am now in need of incorporating some in-house treatments that take my skin to the next level.
When you look at our cosmetic industry you hear words like Halo, Fraxel, Profractional… but what do they all do and which one do we need? In today’s post I will share just that… the low down on each laser resurfacing treatment and which will aid in getting you to glowing skin in no time at all.
E2 or as I like to call it the “mini resurfacing” is a great option for those of you wanting to explore facial rejuvenation as a form of prevention. The E2 is your treatment of choice with the younger client in mind to give a little lift with a boost in collagen and provide a minimized appearance of the first stirrings of aging. Patients like the milder downtime associated with E2 and the ability to prevent without diving in head first.
Fraxel is known as a non-ablative treatment. This means that the Fraxel causes micro-thermal injury to the layers of the skin without targeting the surface. By not targeting the surface, the heat that is associated with Fraxel is kept within the layers of the skin and will aid towards an increase in collagen production. Fraxel is a great option for those of you wanting to build up to your results. The series of 4-6 treatments of this fractional treatment provides patients with overall improvement on facial expression lines and areas of sun-damage, while also targeting pigmentation from years of enjoying the sun with baby oil – we’ve all done it. It’s also proved to be a treatment of choice for many of our acne scarring patients as we are able to tailor the sessions to provide a customized plan and which results in improvement in the smoothness of their skin. Most patients are able to be back up and running after a Fraxel within 4-5 days.
Profractional is an ablative technology. This means that we cause thermal injury to the dermal layers, including the surface, to ensure that the heat doesn’t remain trapped within. This has proved to be an excellent option for our darker skin toned patients as the release of heat helps to minimize their increased risk of hyperpigmentation. The profractional is also a great option for targeting some of those deeper, pitted scars and has been used recently in the treatment of under eye lines and wrinkles with a fantastic result. We advise patients that this option comes with several days of downtime and we provide patients with a regimented skincare routine to ensure a speedy recovery.
Halo is your best of both worlds. Halo consists of dual treatment with both ablative and non-ablative technology to help improve overall tone and texture, boost collagen, remove discoloration and reduce pore size. The tailoring of Halo allows patients to under-go one to two treatments to help target multiple concerns which will result in a youthfully rejuvenated result. This is a treatment for the go-getter, someone who has tried other forms of treatment and is looking to maintain or someone who is ready to get the glow as soon as possible. Patients are advised of a possible 7 day downtime with this treatment and are instructed on a gentle skincare routine to help post treatment.
Fractora is a cosmetic laser therapy that gains the positive results of ablation resurfacing while resulting in the minimal downtime that occurs with non-ablative treatments. Just like many of the other forms of laser resurfacing Fractora causes micro thermal injury, that in turn results in improvement to wrinkles, lax skin and acne scarring with even improvement on current active acne. Patients are educated that downtime can be anywhere between 3 and 7 days and are always sent home with advise on how to treat their skin.
As I get older, I am consistently looking to see what the next steps are for prevention and to ensure that I remain looking like the best version of myself. While I love my Botox and filler – as an injectable nurse I have to give a shout out to where my obsession with age prevention began ;)– they are part of a bigger picture. Combination therapy is where this industry is heading in, especially when it comes to achieving a fabulously natural-looking result. The next step for me is facial resurfacing.
While there are options-a-plenty – and I feel like a kid in a candy store when it comes to deciding which is the right option for me – I have my eyes set firmly on Halo. Why? It’s the best of both worlds, offering both ablative and non-ablative, it warrants results in one to two treatments, and for me, it is addressing all my concerns. Fine lines and sun-damage be gone and hello glow!