For many patients, submental fullness – also known as a double chin – can be a significant source of embarrassment. While the condition is a common sign of aging, getting older isn’t the only cause behind a double chin. Weight gain, genetics and even skin laxity are all culprits that can lead to excess fat accumulating below the chin.
Luckily, new cosmetic treatments like Kybella and chin liposuction have given patients the opportunity to finally get rid of unwanted fat and regain facial definition. However, each procedure offers patients a different method for achieving their goals. Here’s what you need to know about these top treatments for double chins.
The Differences between Kybella and Liposuction
While both Kybella and chin (submental) liposuction are excellent ways for patients to regain their self-confidence, each offers a very different way of reaching their end goal. Some of the most noticeable differences are:
Invasive vs Non-Invasive Procedure
Most of the differences between these procedures stem from how they’re performed. Like traditional liposuction, chin liposuction is a minor surgery that involves the use of a thin cannula to remove excess fat from below the chin. In contrast, Kybella is administered as a series of injections over the course of several months and does not require incisions.
While chin liposuction is less invasive than on other parts of the body, it can still keep patients at home for about a week while they wait for swelling and bruising to diminish. Patients that choose liposuction to treat their double chins also need to wear a head-wrap during the first week of recovery.
As Kybella is non-invasive, patients who opt for this treatment can expect little to no downtime. While there may be some localized swelling following the injection, most individuals are able to return to work right after their appointment.
Although both treatments can help diminish the appearance of a double chin, final results of the procedures are visible at different times. As liposuction is a one-time-only treatment that physically removes the excess fat, patients achieve visible results following their procedure with the final result being at one year. On the flip side, Kybella’s results rely in part on how many injections a patient receives and how quickly their body can metabolize dead fat cells. This can mean Kybella patients must wait several months before achieving their results. It also means, however, that others are less likely to notice that you’ve had “work done.”
The impact of treatment also varies between treatments. Chin liposuction is an excellent option for immediately removing unwanted fat cells and prevents them from returning. However, this surgical approach to double chin elimination does not address the excess sagging skin that may be left behind. For patients that want to address both skin laxity and submental fullness, you may want to consider other procedures, such as a neck lift.
Which Procedure is Right For Me?
For patients weighing their treatment options, there are more than the above differences to consider. Candidacy for each treatment is also slightly different – while Kybella’s non-invasive nature is generally safe for most healthy adults, liposuction requires that patients be healthy enough for surgery. Meeting with a board-certified specialist one on one can ensure that you have professional guidance when making this important decision.
Explore Your Options at ICLS
At ICLS, we believe that helping patients look and feel their absolute best means providing them with personalized, unique treatments. Offering the latest techniques like Kybella and chin liposuction in a state-of-the art facility performed by board-certified professionals is just one way Dr. Khanna and Dr. Sapra are able to deliver on this promise. Call 905-842-8862 to schedule your one-on-one consultation with our specialists today! Together, we’ll create a personalized treatment strategy that helps you achieve exceptional results.