Cohesive Gel Breast Implants in Oakville, Ontario

Gummy bear implants, or cohesive “silicone” gel implants, are a type of implant used in breast augmentation. For those who desire a fuller but more natural shape, gummy bear implants are ideal.
ICLS Plastic Surgery is a leader in breast augmentation with cohesive silicone gel implants, welcoming patients from the Greater Toronto Area to our Oakville clinic. When you connect with our team at ICLS Plastic Surgery, we will discuss a variety of options available to you for breast implants, including traditional silicone gel implants, which are still available. You don’t have to make any decisions just yet, as your initial consultation with you will give you all the information about the best choices for your needs.
We are committed to personalized service for you, which includes ensuring a very specialized, specifically selected breast augmentation procedure that aligns with what is best for your individual needs, goals, and physical attributes. Like all treatments and surgeries at our clinic, your cohesive gel breast implant procedure will be tailored to you.
Contact ICLS Plastic Surgery now to learn more about the use of gummy bear implants in your breast augmentation procedure.

What Are Gummy Bear Breast Implants?
Gummy bear breast implants, or cohesive gel implants, are made from highly cohesive silicone gel. These breast implants mimic the natural breast tissue more authentically. They feel and look like natural breast tissue.
The gel within these implants maintains its shape and form even when there’s damage or a rupture to the exterior shell. They tend to have a thicker consistency, much like what you expect from gummy bear candies.
Are Gummy Bear Implants Suitable for Everyone?
When choosing any type of breast augmentation or breast implant, we look at all factors that contribute to how well one type or style of procedure over another will benefit the individual needs of the patient. Our first goal is to understand your objectives in terms of size, shape, and goals of plastic surgery.
Then, we take a look at your health. As with any type of plastic surgery, you will need to be in good health to safely have this procedure. Our team will discuss any medications or past health conditions with you before approving you for this cosmetic surgery.
Our consultation aims to align your desires with the feasible outcomes available. For some people, traditional silicone is the better option but for others, cohesive gel implants may offer a better overall experience for you. We don’t just consider the breast implants but the size and shape of your body, the width and consistency of your breast tissue, and the skin itself. We consider factors such as the width of your body, your weight, and existing natural breast tissue present.
Through each step of your consultation, our plastic surgery team is interested in your needs and goals. We want to create the look that you desire within the parameters of what will provide the best overall results for you. Our board-certified plastic surgeons are passionate about helping you achieve the best possible outcome.
Complementary Procedures to Breast Augmentation with Cohesive Gel Implants
Whether you have cohesive gel or traditional implants, we may recommend additional procedures that support and improve the outcome of breast augmentation for you. Some people benefit from the use of a breast lift at this time. You may also benefit from liposuction or other specialized procedures to improve the shape of your body.
Our team is always here to offer insight into non-surgical options and skin care products that may help you. Even before choosing gummy bear implants, we may recommend using products that can improve skin consistency or aid in improving collagen production. Discuss these with us during your consultation.
Breast Augmentation Consultation with Dr. Khanna
Dr. Khanna is a board-certified plastic surgeon. When you meet with our team, including Dr. Khanna, about breast augmentation surgery, we will discuss all of your questions and build a strong relationship with you. We want to know what your goals and needs are.
Dr. Khanna personally reviews your medical history, discusses your goals, and will provide a very hands-on, personal approach to the decision of what type of breast implants to use, which type of procedure is best suited for you, and what steps you can take to ensure the best possible outcome. We are committed to providing exceptional care.
We encourage you to ask any questions you have about breast augmentation surgery, types of breast implants, and outcomes.
What Happens During Breast Augmentation?
When you come in for breast augmentation surgery, you will already have a good idea of what is going to happen at every stage. You can expect the procedure to be done in our clinic; most people go home the same day. You will have local or general anesthesia during the gummy bear implant surgery, depending on your needs. You will not feel any pain during the procedure.
Your plastic surgeon will then make a single cut to place the breast implant. This may be done under the crease of the breast, around the nipple, or under your arm. The surgeon then separates the natural breast tissue from the muscle and connective tissues to make a pocket. The pocket may be placed behind or in front of the muscle, depending on the type of procedure selected.
We utilize state-of-the-art technology and equipment in every capacity. This, with our vast experience, minimizes any risks to you before, during, or after the procedure.
How Long Does Surgery Take?
Most patients have surgery that takes between 1 and 1.5 hours. We can provide more details about your specific expectations during your consultation.
Does Breast Gummy Bear Breast Augmentation Leave Scars?
Every incision on the skin can leave a scar. However, when choosing gummy bear implants, we also select the location of the incision carefully. This minimizes any visible scarring you have.
Gummy Bear Breast Augmentation Recovery
After your procedure, we will provide you with specific instructions on the care you will need.
Going home
- You’ll likely go home the same day. Make sure you rest and are not alone during this time.
- Follow all care instructions we provide after the procedure.
- You can expect some swelling, reduced sensitivity in the area, and tenderness.
- Come in for your scheduled follow-up appointment, and call us if you have any concerns.
One week to the first month
- Most people need at least one week of time to heal before going to work.
- Avoid lifting anything over 10 pounds during the next 4-6 weeks.
- Be very careful with physical activity of the upper body. We will let you know when it is safe to exercise.
Note that about six weeks prior to your surgery, during your pre-operative appointment, the ICLS team will provide you with patient-specific information and recommendations for the best recovery. Follow these closely.
How Long Do Gummy Bear Breast Implants Last?
A variety of factors may play a role in this but most people will find gummy bear implants tend to last 10 to 15 years. Unlike traditional silicone implants, you do not have to worry about saline implants leaking.
How Much Does Gummy Bear Breast Implants Cost in Ontario?
Discuss your procedure goals with us, allow our team to provide you with specific recommendations, and then receive the estimated costs for the care you need. We can help you to connect with third-party financers for installment plans. We are fully transparent in the costs for all procedures. We encourage you to contact us to learn more about the costs you can expect.
Before and After
Photos are for educational purposes only.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Why Are Cohesive Silicone Gel Breast Implants Better Than Saline Implants?
Breast implants must meet the specific needs of the patient. For many, cohesive silicone gel breast implants are a better option than traditional silicone implants because of the lower risk of conditions like capsular contracture. They also have a more natural breast shape with a round implant. If, for any reason, they were to rupture, they do not leak fluid either. This makes them a better overall option for many people who have suffered complications from non-silicone gel products in the past.
Do Gummy Bear Implants Affect Nipple Sensitivity?
Larger implants and smaller breasts have the most risk of causing nipple sensation changes. Gummy bear implants are like any other type of breast implant in this way. We can minimize this risk by providing you with a more carefully selected product. Factors like thin breast tissue, breast shape, patient size, and implant placement all play a role in choosing the best type of implant for your needs.
Can Gummy Bear Implants Rupture?
It is possible for gummy bear implants to rupture. However, they are less likely to do so than other products. More so, they do not leak fluid if they do rupture for any reason.
Why Choose ICLS for Breast Augmentation?
ICLS Surgery Center provides an extensive level of personalization and support to each and every client. When you contact us, we set up the time to discuss procedure options with you, including providing comprehensive insight into the cohesive gel breast implant procedure, sizing options, placement, and more.
Patients come to ICLS from Oakville and the Greater Toronto Area, including Toronto and Mississauga, Burlington, and Hamilton. They do so because of our advanced techniques and procedures and our dedication to our patients’ best outcomes in every procedure. Dr. Khanna’s compassionate and ethical approach, extensive experience, and breast augmentation specialization make us a trusted resource in this industry.
Dr. Khanna’s contributions to the field are many including working hands-on to support the development and use of these implants. In fact, she was the first plastic surgeon to begin using cohesive silicone gel implants in the area in 1999. We have worked to support the development and refinement of these products and aided in meeting regulatory milestones over the last nearly 30 years since then.
When you desire the very best outcome with natural breast contours and a procedure that is very safe, turn to ICLS for gummy bear implants. We are committed to full patient satisfaction and meet those objectives through our collaborative approach. Contact us now to schedule a consultation to discuss options with us.
Our Specialist
Our plastic surgeons specialize in many techniques of aesthetic breast surgery. Dr. Khanna is one of the top users of cohesive gel breast implants in North America and was actively involved in the lifting of the 13-year moratorium on silicone breast implants in 2006. She played an instrumental role in achieving the approval for silicone implants initially in 1999, and was the first doctor to use cohesive gel implants for primary augmentation in Canada.

Dr. Julie Khanna
Our internationally-renowned, double board-certified plastic surgeon is considered a leader in breast reshaping, body contouring and facial anti-aging procedures. Combining well-honed surgical skill with a commitment to ethical care, Dr. Julie Khanna looks beyond the procedure to the patient as a whole, from inner self to outer beauty.
Dr. Khanna’s Profile