Earlobe Repair in Oakville, Ontario

Earlobes can be damaged or stretched due to various reasons such as heavy earrings, trauma, or gauging, leading to concerns about their appearance. Earlobe repair is a delicate procedure that can restore the natural look of your earlobes, enhancing your overall facial harmony. At ICLS, we understand the importance of feeling confident in your appearance and are here to provide compassionate care to help you achieve that.
ICLS Plastic Surgery is a leader in earlobe repair, servicing the Greater Toronto Area from our Oakville location. Our personalized approach ensures that each earlobe repair procedure is tailored to your specific needs and aesthetic goals. During your consultation, our expert team will discuss the best approach to restore the natural beauty of your earlobes. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and take the first step towards feeling confident again.

What is Earlobe Repair, and How is it Performed?
Earlobe repair is performed on individuals who have experienced a tear in either one or both earlobes. This can be caused by wearing heavy earrings or an accident where the earring has been ripped entirely through the earlobe. Gauged ears are also a growing trend where individuals purposely stretch the earlobes to various sizes using a gauged instrument or earring.
ICLS offers a few procedures to correct or help minimize the appearance of a previous piercing. For mild damage, injections of fillers may be used to plump up the appearance of aged earlobes. TCA peels benefit patients who want to try a non-surgical option to repair an earlobe. These work by causing an inflammatory process which allows new collagen production and the edges of the ear lobe to adhere together.
If there is significant damage or a full tear, surgical earlobe repair or gauge repair will normally be performed under local anaesthetic. Surgical repair of an earlobe involves cutting a small wedge of skin around the defect and bringing the two clean edges back together with stitches.
Why Choose ICLS for an Earlobe Repair?
Patients from the Greater Toronto Area, including Toronto, Mississauga, Burlington, and Hamilton, trust ICLS for earlobe repair due to Dr. Khanna’s meticulous attention to detail and compassionate approach. Her extensive experience in performing delicate earlobe repairs ensures natural-looking results that enhance your overall facial appearance. Our commitment to patient satisfaction means we work closely with you to achieve the best possible outcome.
Schedule a consultation to learn more about how earlobe repair at ICLS can restore your confidence.
Before and After
Photos are for educational purposes only.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Can you fix a ripped earlobe?
With a simple operation under local anesthetic, our surgeon can repair a damaged earlobe by attaching and suturing it with healthy skin on the inside of the damaged earlobe. If the tear is not too large, TCA solution may also reduce the size of the piercing.
How much does it cost to repair a torn earlobe?
Pricing depends on the recommended treatment and starts at $750 for a split earlobe repair and $1,250 for a spacer earlobe repair. For patients seeking a non-surgical option, TCA peels may be a suitable choice, with pricing for bilateral earlobes starting at $680 for the first treatment and $420 for touch-ups. Single earlobe treatments start at $370, with touch-ups priced at $210. An optional filler enhancement can be added for $650. Contact a patient care coordinator to learn more.
Aftercare and Recovery
Mild redness, irritation, and some swelling may be noticed for the first couple days. The skin will begin to form a brown crusting and will peel considerably for possibly up to eight days. Hot tubs and swimming pools should be avoided during the healing process. Patients should avoid direct sunlight and heat during the healing process. Sunscreen must always be worn when outdoors. With either a peel or surgery, there is a risk of infection and scarring. You will be asked to refrain from re-piercing for 3-6 months post procedure.
Our Specialists

Dr. Sheetal Sapra
Dr. Sheetal Sapra is a leader in the field of dermatology. He is a world-renowned dermatologist and pioneer of new technologies aimed at improving the lives and looks of his patients. Having practiced medical dermatology for more than 35 years, Dr. Sapra has made significant contributions to the field while treating issues such as acne, eczema, vitiligo, alopecia and psoriasis. Dr. Sapra has travelled the globe to learn from the best of the best and bring that knowledge home to his clinic in Oakville, where he not only shares, but also teaches.
Dr. Sapra’s Profile
Dr. Julie Khanna
Our internationally-renowned, double board-certified plastic surgeon is considered a leader in breast reshaping, body contouring and facial anti-aging procedures. Combining well-honed surgical skill with a commitment to ethical care, Dr. Julie Khanna looks beyond the procedure to the patient as a whole, from inner self to outer beauty.
Dr. Khanna’s Profile